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  • Writer's pictureAlan Fenton

Royal Rumble 23

Yep I'll be stopping up again this year. I suppose I, like most of us, go into this PLE with a wishlist of what we'd like to happen. The common theory of Rhodes / Ripley as the pair of winners would be OK and would provide one strong and one decent Mania matchup, but I just feel like these would result in an overall mediocre event. There needs to be more to it to make it a great event and much more to make Mania the huge event it should be. So here's some of my thoughts...


The Rock saying he is not ready just seems like a huge swerve. If they do have Rock then surely he is eliminated by The Bloodline with Rhodes winning. Setting up Reigns x2 matches.

A great Rumble should aim higher than just providing the Mania main. Other feuds must be set into motion. I'm calling for Cena / Austin as surprise entrants and a situation setting up a Mania match between the two. Best years behind them, oh yes, but Austin has said he felt great after last Mania and Cena is always ready to go. The promos between the two should be worth it alone and I just don't think Austin Theory needs a Cena match to continue getting over. As long as he can move on beyond Lashley, to a Logan Paul or something, he'll be fine.

Surprise entrants = Eric Young and the recently signed Dragon Lee would be good ut wouldn't provide the pops they deserve. Would not complain if Booker T got in there and I've always thought that Kurt Angle wanted another short run (and before saying "but he was retired by Corbin", just revisit Sonya Deville's storyline and get back to me)

NXT entrants = what's happened in 2022 mean this is very slim pickings this year. Having never missed a single episode since it's inception, I have not been enjoying the NXT product since 2.0 came along and it hasn't improved under the Shawn / Paul era. I'm invested in none of the roster but if I had to pick a couple to the show up then Grayson Waller and Odyssey Jones would be fun.


Despite the main roster expanding slightly in 2022 and being under the control of Trips etc, I'm really not overly enamoured with the booking of the division across either brand and I'm less interested in the division than I have been for a very long time and I can't see this being anything other than poor, really poor. but here goes anyway.

NXT? They've already given some limited main roster exposure to Starks, Lyons & Toxic Attraction so I can see them making appearances. For me, I'd make sure Ivy Nile gets involved and is given plenty of time. Also Katana Chance as she's more than capable of carrying out Kofi style high-spots.

Surprises? Lady Frost, Kilynn King and a few other similar level names are free agents but won't raise any eyebrows or be a huge pop. Meiko Satomura* has been massively under used on NXT and would bring some much needed experience to the table. There aren't many legit surprises available imo. Unless they've managed to gain favours with NJPW for a Starlight Kid appearance or maybe even...

Hear me out on this, I legitimately can see, #30 and the winner being Sasha Banks / Mercedes. I think showing up for a couple of NJPW dates is fine with Trips. He's happy with Karl Anderson doing it and happy with Nakamura facing Muta at NOAH. I've been a huge fan of the women's roster for a long time but unfortunately this is about the only thing I can think of which can make the women's Rumble actually worth having?

I'm usually miles off the mark with these but feel free to let me know your thoughts & opinions


Big Al

EDIT: Nikkita Lyons tweeted one hour ago

*not sure if Meiko is still with NXT still or not. For such a talent she's not been on TV for ages. She posts loads of pictures running her Sendai Girls promotion in Japan, was in London recently, still has NXT in her Twitter profile

All pictures (c)

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